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Resource ID: #18004
Subject: Sports
Source: USA Today (Arlington, Va.)
Date: 2024-05-04



Wieberg examines Oklahoma football coach Bob Stoops and Florida coach Steve Spurrier as prime examples of some of the million dollar coaches in college athletics. Stoops and Spurrier, who are guaranteed $2 million a year and $2.1 million respectively, are among 39 coaches from major basketball and football program's around the country that are making at least $1 million a year. Coaches have hired agents to work out their contracts, asking for millions along with added incentives for performance, knowing that athletic departments will pay for what they believe is success. A growing number of college officials feel the coaches salary issue has become part of an "escalating athletics arms race that a majority of schools can't afford." College faculty have also started to object, questioning paying the coaches more then tenured professors or college deans. Combined with increased spending on sports facilities, many wonder if universities have shifted their main focus away from education to entertainment.

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