DOT FARS - Simplified Dataset 2003 - 2014 This is the simplified version of the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data from the U.S. Department of Transportation. The data tracks automobile accidents on public U.S. roads that have resulted in the death of one or more persons within 30 days of the accident. Truck and trailer accidents are included. The full dataset has 19 tables with very detailed information about the people and vehicles involved in each accident. You can find the full data here: For the Simplified version of the data, we've pulled some of the essential information about each crash in the database into one table. See the "Layout.xlsx" file for a list of all included fields and their descriptions. Important notes about the data: -- Much of this information is based on what police officers record at the scene; fields such as "WEATHER", "NICAR_DRUGS" and "NICAR_ALCOHOL" are based on their observations, not necessarily on any empirical measurements. -- When using the NICAR_ALCOHOL field, don't equate these numbers with the number of DUIs, or legally drunk drivers. These are only the number of drivers where the police on scene noted that alcohol was involved. -- The records for 2014 are preliminary; final data will be released with preliminary 2015 data in late 2016. -- Always assess the accuracy of latitude and longitude values. There's no guarantee that these are collected uniformly in the field, or that they are exact. BECAUSE THE DATA IS SOMEWHAT COMPLEX, WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU AT LEAST SPOT-CHECK YOUR DATA RESULTS. ONE WAY TO DO THAT IS TO QUERY THE WEB-BASED INTERFACE AT THROUGH THAT SITE, YOU CAN EXAMINE DOT REPRESENTATIONS OF THE ACTUAL FORMS USED TO REPORT THE ACCIDENTS. Record counts: NATIONAL file: 408,651 ALABAMA: 10,629 ALASKA: 795 ARIZONA: 10,298 ARKANSAS: 6,447 CALIFORNIA: 38,254 COLORADO: 5,758 CONNECTICUT: 3,125 DELAWARE: 1,313 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: 378 FLORIDA: 31,417 GEORGIA: 15,667 HAWAII: 1,349 IDAHO: 2,493 ILLINOIS: 12,128 INDIANA: 8,960 IOWA: 4,204 KANSAS: 4,456 KENTUCKY: 8,964 LOUISIANA: 9,108 MAINE: 1,825 MARYLAND: 6,179 MASSACHUSETTS: 4,455 MICHIGAN: 11,261 MINNESOTA: 5,041 MISSISSIPPI: 8,126 MISSOURI: 10,355 MONTANA: 2,474 NEBRASKA: 2,486 NEVADA: 3,536 NEW HAMPSHIRE: 1,410 NEW JERSEY: 7,226 NEW MEXICO: 4,236 NEW YORK: 14,320 NORTH CAROLINA: 15,662 NORTH DAKOTA: 1,327 OHIO: 12,679 OKLAHOMA: 7,684 OREGON: 4,311 PENNSYLVANIA: 15,431 RHODE ISLAND: 833 SOUTH CAROLINA: 10,248 SOUTH DAKOTA: 1,609 TENNESSEE: 12,145 TEXAS: 36,718 UTAH: 2,792 VERMONT: 775 VIRGINIA: 9,287 WASHINGTON: 5,748 WEST VIRGINIA: 3,977 WISCONSIN: 7,184 WYOMING: 1,568