December 2006 GENERAL.DBF ID C 14 NICAR-created field, combining AUDITYEAR and DBKEY, creating a unique identifier for each filer for each audit year -- except in three instances, where entities are listed twice in the same audit years, with different completion dates. This field allows you to join with the other tables, also using ID fields. AUDITYEAR C 4 The year covered by the audit DBKEY C 13 Unique identifier for each filer, by fiscal year. TYPEOFENTI C 3 Generated by the Single Audit Clearinghouse for audit year 2001 and later, it shows a basic description of the auditee. See the lookup table ENTTYPE. FYENDDATE C 9 The date ending the entity's fiscal year FYEND_DT D 8 NICAR-created field, converting FYENDDATE to a true date value AUDITTYPE C 1 SF-SAC, Part I, item 2. The values "S" and "P" refer to the first letter of the values listed on the form. This is true throughout the data, except noted. (Note for all references to the form that it was changed for 2001; the references in the layout should coincide with the form for audits covering fiscal years ending after Jan. 1, 2001, named SFSAC_01.PDF. For those prior years, refer to SFSAC.PDF) PERIODCOVE C 1 Audit period covered. SF-SAC, Part I, item 3 NUMBERMONT C 12 Number of months covered, if the previous value is "O". SF-SAC, Part I, item 3 MULTIPLEEI C 1 Are multiple EINs covered in this report? SF-SAC, Part I, item 5 EIN C 9 Employer identification number EINSUBCODE C 3 Internal use by Single Audit Clearinghouse, noting that "Closely related organizations occasionally share EINs even though that are audited separately. The clearinghouse uses the EINSUBCODE to distinguish between auditees using the same EIN." DUNS C 9 This is a number specifically designated by Dun & Bradstreet, on behalf of the federal government, for federal accounting purposes. AUDITEENAM C 70 Name of entity audited STREET1 C 45 Address of entity STREET2 C 45 Address of entity CITY C 30 City of entity STATE C 2 State of entity ZIPCODE C 9 ZIP Code of entity AUDITEECON C 50 Contact name for entity AUDITEETIT C 40 Title of contact AUDITEEPHO C 10 Voice phone number of contact AUDITEEFAX C 10 Fax number of contact AUDITEEEMA C 60 E-mail address of contact (optional) AUDITEEDAT C 9 Date of signature of certifying official AUDITEE_DT D 8 NICAR-created field, converting AUDITEEDAT to a true date value AUDITEENA1 C 100 Name and title of contact for entity CPAFIRMNAM C 60 Name of auditor CPASTREET1 C 45 Address of auditor CPASTREET2 C 45 Address of auditor CPACITY C 30 City of auditor CPASTATE C 2 State of auditor CPAZIPCODE C 9 ZIP Code of auditor CPACONTACT C 50 Contact name for auditor CPATITLE C 40 Title of auditor contact CPAPHONE C 10 Voice phone number of audit contact CPAFAX C 10 Fax number of audit contact CPAEMAIL C 60 E-mail address of audit contact (optional) CPADATESIG C 9 Date of auditor signature CPA_DT D 10 NICAR-created field, converting CPADATESIG to a true date value COG_OVER C 1 Did the auditee expend more than $25 million in federal awards during the fiscal year? If so, it has a federal cognizant agency. If not, it has an oversight agency. See KEY.XLS TYPEREPORT C 4 Type of audit report. See KEY.XLS REPORTABLE C 1 Is a reportable condition disclosed? SF-SAC, Part II, item 3 MATERIALWE C 1 Is any reportable condition report as a material weakness? SF-SAC, Part II, item 4 MATERIALNO C 1 Is a material noncompliance disclosed? SF-SAC, Part II, item 5 GOINGCONCE C 1 Is a "going concern" explanatory paragraph included in the audit report? SF-SAC. Part II, item 2 TYPEREPOR1 C 4 Type of audit report on major program compliance. See KEY.XLS DUP_REPORT C 1 Does the auditor's report include a statement that the auditee's financial statements include department, agencies or other organizational units expending greater than $300,000 in federal awards that have separate A-133 audits which are not included in this audit? See KEY.XLS. Added in 2001. DOLLARTHRE N 15 What is the dollar threshold to distinguish Type A and Type B programs? SF-SAC, Part III, item 3 LOWRISK C 1 Did the auditee qualify as a low-risk auditee? SF-SAC, Part III, item 4 REPORTABL1 C 1 Is a reportable condition disclosed for any major program? See KEY.XLS. Added in 2001. MATERIALW1 C 1 Is any reportable condition report as a material weakness? See KEY.XLS. Added in 2001. QCOSTS C 1 Are any known questioned costs reported? See KEY.XLS. Added in 2001. CYFINDINGS C 1 See KEY.XLS; indicates whether there are any current year findings on directly funded programs. Only relevant with 2001 or later. A "Y" response should indicate that at least one federal agency listed in this item is checked. The agency notes: "However, the converse is not necessarily so. You could have an agency listed in Part III, item 5 that is the result of prior year findings." PYSCHEDULE C 1 Was a summary schedule of prior audit findings prepared? See KEY.XLS. Added in 2001. TOTFEDEXPE N 12 Total federal awards expended. SF-SAC, Part III, item 10, last line MULTIPLEDU Are multiple DUNS covered in this report? COGNIZANT C 70 Identifies the cognizant agency; it is often the dominant federal awarding agency of direct funding. See KEY.XLS OVERSIGHTA C 12 Identifies the oversight agency; it is often the dominant federal awarding agency of direct funding. See KEY.XLS DATECOMPLE D 9 Date the information was recorded online. Used for record keeping by the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. COMPL_DT D 10 NICAR-created field, converting DATECOMPLE to a true date value PREVIOUS D 9 An earlier date the information was recorded online. Used for record keeping by the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. REPORTREQ C 1 Is a copy of the report required for the Federal Audit Clearinghouse archives? CFDA.DBF AUDITYEAR C 4 The year covered by the audit DBKEY C 10 Identifier for each filer, by fiscal year. EIN C 9 Employer identification number CFDA C 50 Code identifying the federal program source of the money. See Part III, item 10 for all these items. For details of programs, search on R_D C 1 Did the expenditure involve Research and Development. See KEY.XLS. Added in 2001. FEDERALPRO C 74 Name of federal program involved. AMOUNT N 12 Amount expended DIRECT C 1 Was the money awarded directly to the organization? See KEY.XLS. Added in 2001. MAJORPROGR C 1 Determined by auditor (see Circular No. A-133) TYPEREQUIR C 15 Types of compliance requirements See KEY.XLS. FINDINGREF C 12 Audit finding reference numbers. See KEY.XLS. ID C 14 NICAR-created field, combining AUDITYEAR and DBKEY AGENCY.DBF AGENCY C 2 Agency code number; refer to form instructions for list of agencies and codes AUDITYEAR C 4 The year covered by the audit DBKEY C 10 Identifier for each filer, by fiscal year. To join other tables correctly use this field and the AUDITYEAR field. EIN C 9 Employer identification number ID C 14 NICAR-created field, combining AUDITYEAR and DBKEY EINS.DBF (NOTE: The Federal Audit Clearinghouse did not start capturing information on multiple EINS until the 2001 audit year. This table, then, contains audit year 2001 and beyond.) AUDITYEAR C 4 The year covered by the audit DBKEY C 10 Identifier for each filer, by fiscal year. EIN C 9 Employer identification number EINSEQNUM C 10 Clearinghouse-created sequential numbering of the multiple EINS associated with each submission. ID C 14 NICAR-created field, combining AUDITYEAR and DBKEY DUNS.DBF AUDITYEAR C 4 The year in which the audit was performed. Begins in 2004. DBKEY C 13 Unique identifier for each filer, by fiscal year. Join on this field for queries across tables. DUNS C 9 The Dun and Bradstreet identification number reported by the agency. DUNSEQNUM C 13 Clearinghouse-created sequential numbering of multiple DUNS associated with each submission. ID C 14 NICAR-created field, combining AUDITYEAR and DBKEY.