NEA Readme and record layout, FY01-FY07 April 2007 This is the grants management database from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). The 2007 table lists all grant money given to organizations and individuals who applied for funding from the NEA during fiscal year 2007. There are 2,156 records. IRE/NICAR received the FY06 data from the NEA on April 15, 2008. The latest data has been added to IRE/NICAR's previous NEA grant data going back to 1987. On this CD: nea07.dbf - main table for fiscal year 2007 nea06.dbf - main table for fiscal year 2006 nea05.dbf - main table for fiscal year 2005 nea04.dbf - main table for fiscal year 2004 nea03.dbf - main table for fiscal year 2003 nea03.DBT - This must be saved in the same location as nea_03.dbf in order to read content of the memo field. nea02.dbf - main table for fiscal year 2002 nea01.dbf - main table for fiscal year 2001 nea87_00.dbf - main table for fiscal years from 1987 to 2000 FY87-FY97 codesheets NEACODES99 The tables are in database format (.dbf), which means they can be opened in any database manager. To import into Microsoft Access: 1) Copy the tables from the CD to your hard drive. 2) Open a blank database in Access, name it and save it. 3) Inside the new database, in the File menu select "Get external data." Then select "Import." 4) An import wizard will ask you to locate the file(s). You will need to change the "file of type" to "Dbase IV". 5) Each table will need to be imported separately. ***LAYOUT CHANGES*** There are several layout changes since 2001. Several field names were changed for FY07, so check record layouts below. In place of the codes, the NEA now gives descriptions, which should make using the information easier. In the FY87-00 data, the NEA used codes and then sent along a sheet with the descriptions. The NEA also puts the name of organizations and individuals in the same field now. In FY01 data, the old fields of "name1" (Name of organizations) and "name2" was changed to a single field. The FY01 and FY02 data also include an "Authorizing Official" field to refer to contact names. The FY03 and FY04 data does not include that field. The FY05 and FY06 data includes the "Authorizing Official" field. The FY06 data also includes two address fields for the Grantee, Address1 and Address2, which are only filled in for organizations. Individual Grantees will be blank in these fields. nea07.dbf record layout: FIELDNAME LENGTH TYPE DESCRIPTION ********* ****** **** *********** Fy 3 C Grant fiscal year Grantee 86 C Grantee name, including both organizational and individual grants Address 30 C Grantee address for organizations, individuals blank Addressmor 30 C Grantee address for organizations, individuals blank City 16 C City of grantee St 5 C State of grantee Zip 10 C 9-digit zip code of grantee, hyphenated Category 29 C Grant program category Discipline 43 C Grant discipline Grant_ 12 C Grant number Grant_amt 7 N Total committed amount Oblgated_ 7 N Total obligated amount Auth_offic 29 C Authorizing official Projectdes 254 C Project description nea06.dbf record layout: FIELDNAME LENGTH TYPE DESCRIPTION ********* ****** **** *********** FY 3 C Grant fiscal year Grantee 86 C Grantee name, including both organizational and individual grants Address1 30 C Only for Organizations, individuals blank Address2 30 C Only for Organizations, individuals blank City 16 C City of grantee State 5 C State of grantee Zip 10 C 9-digit zip code of grantee, hyphenated Category 29 C Grant program category Discipline 43 C Grant discipline Grant_num 12 C Grant number Grant_amt 7 N Total committed amount Oblg_amt 7 N Total obligated amount Official 29 C Authorizing official Projdesc 254 C Project description Important fields to consider: Grantee: (before 2006, NAME) This field consists of both names of organizations and individuals that received NEA grants. St: (previously labelled STATE)Also contains abbreviations for territories outside U.S.: American Samoa (AS), Guam (GU), Northern Mariana Islands (MP), Puerto Rico (PR) and Virgin Islands (VI). The abbreviation FO appears two times in the NEA tables. Queries show that FO denotes grants to entities with foreign addresses. The foreign listings are in non-standard format. For example, the city field shows Canada or 92264 and the zip code fields are blank. Fy: (previously, FY)The fiscal year for NEA runs from 10/1 to 9/30. So if FY is 07, the grant falls between 10/1/06 and 9/30/07. Category: This corresponds to program funding category. Discipline: The grant discipline tells you more specific information about the program receiving funding. Grant_: (Grant_amt)Amount NEA promised to the recipient that year, in dollars. Obligated_: (Oblg_amt) Amount NEA actually gave to the recipient that year, in dollars. In previous years, recipients didn�t always receive the entire amount that NEA promised. But for fiscal year 2005, there are 7 instances where the promised amount differs from the obligated amount. In 2007 there were two instances. Projectdes: The NEA provides a brief description of the project that is receiving money from the grant. Additional information about the National Endowment for the Arts is available on their Website, Related Tipsheets from the IRE Resource Center: Tipsheet 1256: Investigating arts and cultural institutions David Zeman, from the Detroit Free Press, wote this tipsheet in 2000-- it mainly deals with information you can learn about arts organizations from their IRS 990 forms. Stories from the IRE Resource Center using the NEA grants management database: Story 18304: San Francisco Chronicle investigates which arts organizations have a lock on funding: Chosen Few Get Bulk of S.F.'s Arts Funding (2001) Story 16493: Artful Charities-- St. Paul Pioneer-Press ran a series in 2000 on fundraising by arts charities that also get federal funding. There are lots of good tips for investigating arts money stories in the accompanying questionnaire. (It was a contest entry.) Story #9382 News-Gazette (Champaign, Ill.) examines the relationship between those who receive arts funding in Illinois and those who make recommendations and decisions on that funding; establishes that many of those receiving funding have direct ties to the panels recommending funding levels - a pattern one critic called "cultural cronyism," May 24-25, 1992. To order, call the IRE Resource Center,(573) 882-3364.