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Resource ID: #26158
Subject: Corruption
Source: WTSP-TV (St. Petersburg, Fla.)
Date: 2024-05-01



Following a several month investigation we detailed how a small cabal of power brokers were able to take millions of dollars sparsely populated rural, Hardee County received and funnel the money to relatives and insiders without going the proper channels. This small group of power brokers has been able to fly under the radar for years because rarely does a major media outlet cover the county which is part of our viewing area. State legislators who received some of the money ended up being targets of an Investigation by the Florida Ethics Commission which is still on-going. Meantime in the course of our investigation we discovered documents showing more than a million dollars in insurance money Hardee County received for damages from Hurricane Charlie which hit the area in 2004 was unaccounted for. Although the Hurricane occurred more than 9 years ago FEMA has not closed the file. Some of the contacts we made investigating the misappropriation of funds during the grant became sources for this part of the story as well.

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