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Resource ID: #17769
Subject: Nuclear Energy
Source: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Chicago)
Date: 2024-05-07



The Bulletin reports that a Western-backed development bank has agreed to help fund the completion of two Soviet-designed reactors in Ukraine that are similar to the reactor at Chernobyl that "spewed radioactive contaminants over a significant portion of Europe" in 1986. Wesolowsky writes that the West has a "Jekyl-and-Hyde nature" when it comes to nuclear safety in former communist states. "At times, the West works to shut down the most dangerous of Soviet-designed reactors." At other times, it helps fund the construction of reactors like those being built in Ukraine, he writes. "In fact, little has changed on the nuclear power landscape over the past decade. Apart from Chernobyl, not a single reactor of any type has been taken out of service in Eastern Europe. Four new reactors have gone on-line there since 1992. Russia has added three more 'RBMK' reactors - the same model found in Chernobyl - to its nuclear stable. Even today, 50 percent of Russia's nuclear power is generated by RBMK reactors."

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