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Webinar to highlight new data set on campaign advertising

Got a big election on your horizon in 2016 or even 2015?

Join us for a free webinar Thursday and to get a sneak preview of an unprecedentedly detailed data set that the Internet Archive, the Sunlight Foundation and Philadelphia's Committee of Seventy compiled on political ads in Philadelphia this fall.

They’ll be releasing data linking ad spots to advertisers and the money behind them and showing you how it can be used to measure the intensity of a campaign, to identify the demographics being targeted by candidates and to out some of the mystery meat committees that try to influence elections without identifying their agendas.

Join us to hear how University of Delaware researchers will be using the data to watchdog local TV stations, and learn how you can replicate the project in your own communities for next year.

Webinar details:

Thursday, November 20th, at 11 a.m. (Eastern)

Once you enter the webinar as a guest, you’ll be prompted to enter a phone number so that you can hear the speakers and ask questions.


If you have questions or problems joining the webinar, email Sarah Hutchins,

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