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Have a question for IRE? Now's the time to have it answered with the Journal's new feature "Ask IRE." This is your organization. Ask about anything from policies to resources […]
By Mark Steil Minnesota Public Radio I’ve always enjoyed looking through large piles of data in my job as a reporter for Minnesota Public Radio. My primary beats are the […]
By Susan Snyder and Dylan Purcell The Philadelphia Inquirer A series of racial attacks at a Philadelphia high school in late 2009 – and the school district's inadequate response – prompted […]
IRE's annual list of investigative books can be viewed here and seen below. More than 200 books published in 2011 made the list. The annual list is compiled by Steve Weinberg. […]
By Beverly Magley and Anne SherwoodNational Institute on Money in State Politics For your stories about 2012 state elections, check out free campaign-finance information at The National Institute on Money […]
By Viveca Novak Center for Responsive Politics The 2012 election promises to be the most expensive on record. One important way in which it differs from the 2008 contest: the […]
This is a season of evolution at IRE We have rebuilt our IRE Awards categories to better reflect the ways in which news is gathered and presented. And we have launched […]
Journalists and journalism advocates rightly focus a great deal of energy on freedom of information law, defending the rights of the press and public to access governmental information. Attempts to […]
Collaborative watchdog group follows the funds for rebuilding When a massive earthquake killed some 200,000 people and devastated Haiti, billions of aid dollars poured in from aroundthe globe. Groups such […]
IRE's annual list of investigative books can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet. More than 250 books published in 2010 made the list, which includes title, author and publisher. The […]