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Help us design a NICAR T-shirt

The journalists who attend the Computer-Assisted Reporting Conference do many things for their newsrooms: They analyze data, build websites, write stories, scrape and acquire records.

To honor this work, the National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting will sell a T-shirt celebrating the data geek in us all. Proceeds from the shirt will help raise funds for future NICAR training events.

We’re asking for your help to design it. We’ll accept T-shirt ideas through the month of November. Designs will be posted online as they come in beginning Nov. 3.  Members will be able to vote on the new T-shirt in early December.  In addition to bragging rights, the creator of the winning T gets a free shirt and $50 in the IRE Store.

The T-shirt will be on sale at the 2012 CAR Conference and other training events as well as being available online from IRE.

All ideas are welcome, from a simple yet classic design with NICAR on it to bad SQL puns (SELECT * FROM tshirts WHERE tshirts.thisone = “Awesome”). There are only a few guidelines:

  • The T-shirt could include NICAR or National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting somewhere on it, but shouldn’t be designed specifically for the 2012 CAR Conference.
  • It must be work appropriate.
  • There are no restrictions on colors or design, but keep in mind the more detailed/multi-colored the graphic work the costlier it will be for NICAR to print the shirts.
  • By sending in the suggestion to NICAR you don’t retain rights to the final T-shirt. (This does not include bragging rights, which the creator will maintain in perpetuity.)

Have just the germ of an idea? Send in the text to us. Have a full-fledged graphical display to share? We’ll take JPGs, GIFs, PDFs or any other format you can come up with. So think up something great and send your suggestions to or

NICAR, a program of IRE  and the Missouri School of Journalism, was founded in 1989 and has trained thousands of journalists in the practical skills of finding, prying loose and analyzing electronic information.

109 Lee Hills Hall, Missouri School of Journalism   |   221 S. Eighth St., Columbia, MO 65201   |   573-882-2042   |   |   Privacy Policy
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