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ICIJ discusses offshore project for broad-ranging audience

IRE hosted a Google Hangout on Tuesday with members of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, who discussed their ongoing investigation into offshore banking secrets. The reporting began with a leaked cache of 2.5 million records, and has since involved -- at last count -- 86 journalist in 47 countries.

Viewers from all over the world tuned in to learn more about ICIJ's project. Cities with live viewers included Chicago, London, Madrid, Narpes in Finland, New York and San Diego.

In a discussion moderated by Wendell Cochran, former IRE board member and Senior Editor of the Investigative Reporting Workshop, the ICIJ discussed obtaining and verifying the data, dealing with the scope of the records and deciding which leads to pursue, diferentiating between criminality and tricks of the rich and famous, collaborating across boarders and the response of various governments.

You can view a recording of the Google Hangout here.

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