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IRE Radio Podcast | Product of Mexico

We’re changing up the podcast this week and spending our entire episode on one story. IRE’s Shawn Shinneman talked with Los Angeles Times reporter Richard Marosi about his 18-month investigation into the working conditions of Mexican agribusinesses supplying produce to major U.S. supermarkets and restaurants. Tune in to hear Marosi discuss the reporting challenges he faced on the ground in Mexico.

Also on this episode: A 3-minute guide to mapping by former NICAR database library student Travis Hartman.

We’ll be bringing you more in-depth stories on future episodes of the podcast. If you have an idea for a segment or a behind-the-story feature, we’d love to hear from you. As always, our episodes are available for download on iTunes and Soundcloud.



Looking for links to the stories, resources and events we discussed on this week's podcast? We've collected them for you.

Product of Mexico:

Mapping and QGIS:

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