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Resource ID: #17800
Subject: Internet
Source: American Prospect
Date: 2024-05-05



Nunberg likens internet blocking software to airport security metal detector that miss 40 percent of concealed handguns and beeps at a third of the metal hangers in passengers' suitcases. In this article Nunberg writes how blocking software employed in homes, schools, libraries, and the workplace aren't able to work as promised. He even points out that in many cases blocking software screens out non-offensive or objectionable material such as websites on HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, the gay and lesbian community, and online sex offender registries. Nunberg writes that some of the problems with blocking software is that the software companies themselves filter sites with negative information about their service and that they aren't required to post a list of filtered words and sites, letting people know just how inadequate the software is.

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