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Resource ID: #17802
Subject: State Government
Source: Delaware Today
Date: 2024-10-04



Stemming from the Center for Public Integrity's 50 states project, an investigation into the conduct and business dealings of legislators in each state, Moore examines the private and public interests of legislators in Delaware. Moore found that Delaware's state legislature ranked fourth in the nation for lawmakers with financial ties to corporations that lobby the state government. Forty percent of the General Assembly, two out of every five legislators, reported in 1999 that they draw income from companies that directly lobby them. Legislators argue that its necessary for them to draw outside sources of income because they are only part-time lawmakers. But while some are only minimally invested in private groups, others operate as directors and chairmen of special interest groups. Moore found that when the conflict of interest issue arises in the legislature, the lawmakers often changed the rules.

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