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Resource ID: #17880
Subject: Urban Development
Source: Los Angeles Times Magazine
Date: 2022-01-07



"Take a look at the sad statistics of the Southeast Police Division, the deadliest neighborhood in Los Angeles. Now look again. While some are killing each other, others are working, raising kids and building dreams." In the LAPD's Southeast Division, also known as South-Central, crime and violence is a way of life. From January 1, 2000 to mid-December 76 people were killed, of those 23 were 21 years or younger. The area has been given the title of "deadliest police division in the city." But as Stewart finds, people in South-Central aren't willing to give up. Resident's are trying to revitalize the community through clean-up programs and make it a safer place for children through watch programs. Stewart collects stories of hope and devastations from the people who live in the "deadliest police division in the city."

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