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Resource ID: #26879
Subject: Police
Source: Fusion
Date: 2014-06-03



Fusion's investigative team spent six-months producing a fully digital, data-driven interactive story about a police department in Florida with a “stop and frisk” policy that may be unparalleled in the nation. One local public defender called it “stop and frisk on steroids.” Fusion analyzed more than 30,000 pages of police department data, showing how aggressive and far-reaching police actions were. Some residents were stopped, questioned and written up multiple times within minutes of each other, by different officers. Children were stopped by police in playgrounds. Senior citizens were stopped and questioned near their retirement home, including a 99-year-old man deemed to be "suspicious.” Officers even wrote a report identifying a five-year-old child as a "suspicious person.” Fusion also documented multiple instances of police officers falsifying reports, claiming to stop and question people who were actually already in county jail.

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