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Resource ID: #27541
Subject: Prisons
Source: Al Jazeera America
Date: 2015-06-08



Guantanamo has always been - and remains today - a story told through rhetoric and partisan politics. There is rarely a human face. There is rarely talk of the civil right violations in times of fear. Omar Khadr's story is a dark chapter in both U.S. and Canadian history, and Guantanamo's Child shines the light on these abuses for the first time. It is the story of a 15-year-old Canadian who grew up behind bars. It is his first - and only interview, where he talks about his recollections of the firefight, which kept him detained for 12 years. U.S. Special Forces soldiers also give their accounts of the firefight for the first time in exclusive interviews. The testimonies of former interrogators, detainees and military prosecutors reveal what Khadr endured while jailed.

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