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Tableau Public expands to 1 million rows

Tableau Software is announcing that Tableau Public now has expanded capabilities, including handling spreadsheets that that contain up to 1million rows of data. Tableau Public's storage space has also increased from 50 megabytes to 1 gigabyte. Tableau stated the changes were made after noticing many public datasets number more than the previous limit of 100,00 rows, citing the following data sources:

In June, IRE announced a partnership with Tableau to provide a free version of Tableau's premium desktop software. With Tableau Desktop, users can: 

  • Save files locally, as opposed to on the web, so they can develop stories in private before they publish them to Tableau Public.
  • Publish to the Tableau Public service when a story is ready. Tableau Public provides live, interactive visualizations that can be embedded in web pages.
  • Work offline.
  • Access databases, Hadoop and a wide variety of data sources. 

Members who want to get a license for Tableau Desktop should contact Amy Johnston at

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